Black History Month

Black History Month: What Brings You Joy?

Written by Greystar
Edited by Greystar
Talent and Culture February 1, 2023

To celebrate Black History Month this year, Greystar team members are sharing the small and big things that bring them joy.


Asha Nathan – Senior Management Coordinator

Asha Nathan Family BHM 2023 | Blog | Greystar

“Spending time with my son, husband and our friends and family is an ultimate joy. We are always laughing about something and make sure that every time we meet is a time to remember.”

“Music brings me joy. I love listening to praise and worship music in the morning to level my mind and prepare me for the day. A little bit of house music or some Afrobeats gets me dancing and excited for the day ahead.”

“I’m also a total foodie! When I say I eat…I eat! You can never go wrong with some good Cuban or Spanish food. Food is good for the soul.”


Brandi Robertson – Regional Manager

Brandi Robertson BHM 2023 Image | Blog | Greystar

“Being a parent brings me joy. Outside of work, you will find me being the team parent for my daughters’ sports teams, making snack bags, and planning team bonding events. I don’t miss a game. Whether we are watching volleyball or basketball, you can find us cheering them on!”

“My family means the world to me. Their unconditional love brings me joy beyond measure, and I am thankful they love me. We make it a point to make and cherish memories above all things!”

“It also brings me joy to host themed dinner parties where we gather with great people and enjoy great food with a fantastic theme for a fun night in.”

Mia Mitchell – Talent Attraction & Branding Associate

Mia Mitchell BHM 2023 Image | Blog | Greystar

“I have a 7-year-old Cavalier King Charles named Sasha who is truly my best friend! She is such a constant in my life as life continues to change. She is so sweet, loving and always brightens my day!”

“Traveling the world brings me joy. Something about packing a suitcase, experiencing the bustle of the airport, and getting my passport stamped always brings a smile to my face!”

“I’m also a huge music person. But musicals are my favorite! If I need a boost of energy, I blast a few songs from Hamilton and immediately feel better.”

Devon Gordon – Talent Acquisition Advisor

Devon Gordon BHM 2023 Image | Blog | Greystar

“Helping people grow brings me joy. I used to coach youth basketball to kids between 12-14. It was very rewarding being a mentor and big brother to those kids, especially at-risk teens. We even won a championship!”

“My family is my number one motivation for everything I do in life. From vacations, dropping my daughter off at daycare every morning, or just simply having a meal together, it means a lot to me.”

“A recent memory that brings a smile to my face was building our home in 2021. Just knowing what it took to get here is humbling and is something I will be forever grateful for.”

Kayla Latson – Senior Regional Marketing Associate

Kayla Latson BHM 2023 Image | Blog | Greystar

“My family brings me joy. Joy looks like giggles from my nieces and nephews, smells like my mom making her signature baked mac & cheese for the holidays and sounds like me and my best friends singing slightly off key to Beyoncé while doing the choreography too! ”

“Though this life can be difficult, harsh, and frustrating, I have come to understand there is joy all around us. I am glad joy does not cherry pick who it goes to but every person on earth can welcome it.”

“Even in devastation joy can greet you if you allow it, like the doctor telling me this is my niece’s last round of chemo, and her leukemia is nearly undetectable.”


Chloe Griffin – Regional Marketing Manager

Chloe Griffin BHM 2023 Image | Blog | Greystar

“If I need to brighten my day, I love listening to jazz music. It always keeps me in a balanced zen all day long.”

“Laughter brings me joy. My cat (Darby) and dog (Chance) provide laughter, comfort, and a whole lot of love. The movie “A Different World” is an inspiring and relatable film dedicated to the Black American experience. It never fails to make me laugh.”

“Family is everything. Our past, present, and future. These are the people who love you, support you, and help you see the beauty in yourself.”


Greystar provides a place where all communities can find joy, not just during Black History Month but every other month of the year.

Check out the rest of our blog articles for more inspiring, educational, and motivating content.


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